My Road to Treatment (pt 1)

During my first neurologist appointment back in November, when I was first diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, I was given a large stack of reading materials about many of the common treatment options. The neurologist gave me a basic rundown of the different types of treatment, but encouraged me to read the materials and research them online in order to make a choice. 

The large stack was very intimidating, especially since I was still trying to accept the staggering news I had just received. I also wasn't completely sure if I wanted to go with a prescription treatment or risk it and go the natural route. My mom was sending me all sorts of web articles about treating MS naturally, and for every testimony in favor of natural treatments there was another article against it (like anything else). My general philosophy on health is that a balance of natural and medical treatments is usually best. I had many conversations with close friends about what I should do and I did a lot of research about how the prescriptions work. What did surprise me was how certain friends seemed to have strong opinions about which treatment route I should take. Some thought I should start on a prescription as soon as possible, and others thought maybe I should try the natural route with certain eating plans etc. All of my friends were generally supportive and their opinions obviously came from a place of concern for my well-being but ultimately I had to decide for myself.

This felt like a big decision and it wasn't something I could make quickly. I was dealing with all of this while also dealing with my feelings of denial and grief, so I wasn't very motivated. Delay and procrastination definitely played a big part in the process. 

**this is the 1st installment of a series - stay tuned for the next installment which discusses the different types of medical treatments for MS**


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