
On the surface I generally describe my life as good. I have a good job, a good home, and a good car. When people back home ask me how things are going, I say "Life is good!" when really I mean my life is comfortable. Even the word 'comfortable' is a misnomer for how things truly stand in my life.

If I'm being truly honest with my self, I would use a different set of adjectives to describe my life right now. I do have a good job, good home and good car, but they are not the only factors in my life status. The words tired, disconnected, and undisciplined come to my mind when I genuinely consider my current status.

My physical health is at an all time low - I am considered obese for my weight/height ratio. I am out of breathe just walking from the office to my car. When I get home from work I sit around watching TV most of the night because I don't physically feel like doing anything else. Worst of all, I don't have the energy to run around playing with my adopted nieces and nephew (my bf's children).

My spiritual health is also at an all time low. I have not consistently read my bible or any spiritual teachings in over a year or more. Due to this lack of study and lack of communication with God, my connection to faith is weak.

However depressing this may sound, my situation is not hopeless. It is not impossible to turn this around. A lack of discipline is a common thread through all areas of my life right now, and I plan to work on this first as it seems to have the widest impact. I don't want to be an almost-thirty single woman who barely exists, I want to be a woman who thrives in 2014 and for many years after.

If you are interested in joining me on this journey, please comment below. Keep following my blog for updates and/or follow me on Instagram (afreshadventure) or Twitter (@afreshadventure) for other content.


  1. You can do this. Thanks for inspiring me to follow this path as well.

  2. I have been thinking the same thing about my spiritual health and I really admire the fact that you're being totally honest about it. Thank you for inspiring me to get back into the Word! ;)
    You'll be in my prayers <3

    1. thank you for your encouraging words Sandra! I'll keep you in my prayers too - we can do this together!

  3. I'll be praying for you this year, Leah! May God bless you are you turn your face to him and walk the path He sets before you! Great job seeing the problem and acting on it!

    1. I appreciate your prayers... thank you for your words of blessing too!

  4. What a great time to make the new start. Good for you to make it public and not just self talk. Journey on

    1. Thank you Nyla! I knew that I'd be more likely to act if I made my struggle public. I need that accountability.

  5. I can relate to a lot of that. Way to go and challenge others as well as yourself. I will be praying for your journey and now I feel I should start my own too lol. Miss you and love you lots!

    1. Thanks Tasha! Of course, my intent was not so much to challenge others as let them know that we can encourage each other in this journey. We are more likely to succeed if we work at it together. :)

  6. I never would have guessed that things weren't "good" but I know the feeling. I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to talk to you when you were home. You are in my prayers as you take this journey. You are quite the inspiration and because of that i think that it is time that this almost 40 yr old mother of two take this same journey. Thank you for inspiring me.

    1. Since I wasn't being completely honest with myself, it wasn't hard to hide those things from people around me. I had not idea that this post would have such a positive impact on people, but I'm so thankful that it has! We can do this together! I'll keep you in my prayers as well.

  7. Leah, what a bold openness! By baring your soul to such honesty, you have not only empowered yourself to grow , but you have inspired others to follow and do the same. May you feel God's love, strength and grace as you do this.

    1. Thank you so much Jo! Your words are always an encouragement to me.


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