The Power of Music

The other day, I popped a CD into my car stereo that I hadn't listened to in a while (yes I still have a CD player in my car). I don't know exactly when I last listened to this particular CD, but I know it was at least a few years ago. Even with all that time, as soon as the songs started playing I was automatically singing along and somehow still knew the words. 

I would not say that I have a good memory in general. When a friend says "remember when" to me I can usually pull up the memory, but would not have thought of it on my own. When I do remember a situation or time from the past, I am much more likely to remember feelings or environments and not specific details of activities or conversations. If someone asked me to sing a specific song out of the blue, I wouldn't be able to do it. But hearing the notes to that song will completely unlock the words in my head. 

My parent's home was always full of singing, usually from my Dad. He would (and still does) sing in the shower, in the car, washing dishes, and cleaning the garage. I remember Dad would sometimes listen to the jazz station, but we mostly only listened to christian music when I was young. While my friends where listening to the Back Street Boys, NSYNC and Hanson, I was listening to Jaci Velasquez, Chris Rice, and Michael W. Smith. 
Music can inspire people to action and it can help them escape bad environments. Music can make me personally feel happier, calm and safe depending on the artist and song. It can match my mood or it can change my mood. I listen to a variety of music genres now - classical, pop, christian, rap, blue grass, alternative rock and country. However, the music that makes me feel the safest and most at peace is still praise and worship. God has given us a great gift of expression and memory through music and what better way to use it than to praise him? 


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